It has been said before but bears repeating: “whatever is
unintentional is permitted.”
For it was taught, R. Simeon said: One may drag a bed, seat,
or bench (on Shabbat in a private domain), providing that he does not intend to
make a rut!
But with some more detail:
Wherever there is a Scriptural interdict if it is
intentional, R. Simeon forbids it by Rabbinical law even if unintentional; but
wherever there is [only] a Rabbinical interdict even if it is intentional, R.
Simeon permits it at the outset if unintentional.
Again, this is the tension in
instances where there is clear Torah law (not making a rut) and subsequent rabbinic
laws established to protect the Torah law from accidental violation. Here we
see that intention is key. “Dragging” is permissible, even if it accidently
makes a rut in a soft floor, so long as there is no intention to make the
Think before you act!
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