The Mishnah also explains that ships are not subject to
being ritually unclean. The gemara contrasts it to a sack which can be carried
both full and empty – but a ship cannot be carried, it carries! Fine but what
about a canoe which can be carried both full and empty? Ah… there is a
Rab Judah said in Rab's name: One
should never abstain from [attendance at] the Beth Hamidrash even for a single
hour, for lo! how many years was this Mishnah learnt in the Beth Hamidrash
without its reason being revealed, until R. Hanina b. Akiba came and elucidated
The answer is less important than the lesson: one never
knows when an opportunity for learning, for enlightenment, may arise. This is
learned from the text:
This is the Torah, when a man dies
in a tent . . .(Num. 19:14).
[That is to say,] even in the hour
of death one should be engaged in [the study of] the Torah.
This was a rabbinic ideal – there is always an opportunity
to learn. And learning is valuable for its own sake.
Keep studying!
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